Friday, March 27, 2009

Bob's Your Uncle

Besides having a great name, Bob's Your Uncle is a fantastic store that offers exceptionally cool gifts for the home including an array of eccentric melamine plates and recipe books.

Bob's Your Uncle

Plates with Bling?!

I have worked on a lot of 'plate' art and never once have I given consideration to putting a necklace on one...and to be honest, I wish I had. I love the idea. This artist is definitely thinking outside the box.

H for Hannah

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have never seen anything like it!

An Ice Cream dispensing gadget by Cuisipro that actually stacks cylindrical scoops - instead of round ones. I find this fascinating!


So ExSiding

This is the single most beautiful home I have ever seen built completely of siding. It is so minimalistic but the care and quality of the design is unexpected and uncharacteristic of the siding homes I typically see built. It is somewhere in New Orleans by Lang Architectural firm.


Lang Architecture

Watercolor Memories

Good Stock is a print/publishing company that produces these unique photo books. I have always wanted to put together my mother's memoirs and I think that they could do it justice. I am so impressed...their work is stunning.

Good Stock

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Graye's End

I suppose growing up in the Midwest has inspired a mild fascination with barn conversions, especially if they are done well and this one by Stonely Pelsinski Architecture is stunning. I am drawn to minimalism and of course its title, "Graye's End Barn".


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tooth Fairy Kit

This is a 'Toothfairy Kit' sold on Fawn & Forest. I think its a great idea - especially in this beautifully packaged letterpress format, complete with tiny envelopes and documentation seals. What a great thing for a kid to have.

Fawn & Forest

Squirrels just want to have fun

Someone doubted me when I mentioned that there is a huge Squirrel trend happening right now. They're everywhere! With the onslaught of owls and woodland creatures in fashion and home decor, it was only a matter of time before a much cuter and furrier animal took over the bird's 15 minutes of fame. Maybe it is personal preference on my part since I do have a particular affinity for the creature. This will be my personal squirrel collection since they range from passifier clips to earrings and throw pillows - proof that the squirrel had its day and it was deserving.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baked Goods

A fantastic branding and packaging system by United Bakeri

Seriously? Seriously.

Yes, I want this gawdy pink rhinestone elephant ring. It is huge and overpriced and I adore it.
Anthropologie always has really great eccentric pieces.

A room full of balloons

Tiara Mia

Vogue Photographer Tim Walker
Scene from the French Movie: Le Ballon Rouge

I can appreciate these photos that show balloons in a very sophisticated and high art manner. Most women would prefer flowers. Some people truly hate balloons. Some people are even terrified of them. I love them and I always have, I see something infinitely beautiful about them and I understand why children are so captivated by them. I think they are underrated, maybe that is why I do well in the Party Goods Industry. A room full of balloons might make me feel better.

Sweet Creams

I really have no idea why I am drawn to sweets and desserts - I don't necessarily eat them but I love the pastel palettes. I have always loved candy illustrations and Ice Cream shops and this is another unique concept out of California for a gourmet ice cream store called Ici Ice Cream.

Flower Party

Not only do I want to own and wear one of these fabulous flower headbands by Handle Spout, I am going to need a fabulous occasion to wear it to.

So Friggin Cute!

Who doesn't love Etsy? Needle Noodles sells PDF formatted templates for these incredibly unique crocheted items. Who would've thought - a little stuffed Manatee, Jellyfish or Sushi. They are so witty.

Tree and Kimball

A brilliant Crochet 'Artist' on Etsy - she does these ornate headbands and jewelry pieces that are gorgeous.


I think this soap packaging by Gianna Rose Atelier is fantastic.

Candle Holders

I saw these on Another Shade of Grey and I love them! I do not typically like this look but the texture of these is so unique.

Another Shade of Grey

Installation Art

Ceramic Wall by Kate Lee